



Seen in the movie the Croods, the Macawnivore is a big cat who was a threat to the Croods. But when he finds himself alone in the dark with Grug, he nuzzles up to him for comfort out of fear of the darkness and being alone. After that, they work together and he becomes part of the family.




Seen in the movie Snow White and the Huntsman, the Troll is a huge, extremely strong monster of the forest. He's an angry chap... until he's confronted with a Lady! After that he becomes tame as anything, just like any good male...



Chitauri Leviathan

Seen in the movie The Avengers, the Leviathan is a gigantic creature resembling a flying cyborg space whale! They carry a number of Chitauri warriors along their flanks whom they can deploy to attack their enemies. The heavy armour makes these creatures hard to kill, even for an Avenger!




Seen in the movie A.I., Teddy is a robotic teddy bear. He's a faithful companion, and the cutest thing you could ever have! Without a doubt, the single best thing about the whole movie. He should have his own spin off!



Elf Creatures

Seen in Galaxy Quest, these little creatures live on the planet the ship visited for a new Beryllium Sphere. They lived in an old abandoned mine, and at first glance seemed to be friendly and rather cute. Unfortunately they turned out to be anything but - they eat any members of their own group who are injured or sick, and attack anybody they find. The Galaxy Quest crew were just barely able to escape.

Elf Creatures


The Jabberwock

"Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch! Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun The frumious Bandersnatch!"

A truly fearsome and powerful creature, the Jabberwock is seen in Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland. It is a black dragon, capable of spewing not fire but lightning at its enemies. Worse, the only thing that can harm the Jabberwock is a Vorpal Sword... and those are not easy to come by! Such was the reputation of this beast that when it was defeated by Alice, the Red Queen's entire army surrendered immediately.




Seen in Watchman, Bubastis was genetically engineered by Ozymandias and kept as a pet in his Antarctic base. The big cat didn't get a whole lot of screen time, but he's a gorgeous fella!



Predator Hound

Seen in Predators, the Predator hounds are used by the titular hunters to attack their prey. The intent isn't to kill them as such but rather to distract, scatter and generally sow confusion. The hounds are fast, lethal, and very nasty!


Predator Hound


Mr Wink

Seen in Hellboy II, Mr Wink is a Cave Troll. Large and extremely strong, he is armed with a large mechanical fist which he can launched from his right arm tethered by a long chain to strike foes at a distance. He also has metal armour plating which even Hellboy couldn't break.

However, a good solid punch from Hellboy's Right Hand of Doom smashed the mechanical fist. Subsequently he shot it into a heavyweight roller, which dragged him in and crushed him.


Mr Wink



Seen in Pitch Black, the BioRaptors are large flying creatures which are aggressive as hell. They appear to be the only living things on the planet M-344/G, having wiped out all other life on the planet. BioRaptors have one major weakness - they are highly phobic of light. Since M-344/G is a world with three suns, the BioRaptors spend almost off of their time huddled in underground caves. However, once every 22 years their planet undergoes a month long eclipse of the sun, during which they swarm onto the surface in huge numbers.

Fast, lethal, and with an eerie shrieking cry, the BioRaptors are nasty beasties!



Hell Hound

Seen in The Chronicles Of Riddick, the Hell Hounds are wolf/reptile hybrids. They were used in the triple-max prison on the planet Crematoria, where their speed, strength and extreme aggressiveness made them a lethal threat to anybody attempting escape. However, the prison authorities hadn't counted on Riddick, who seemed to come to an agreement with the hounds - he'd leave them alone and they'd leave him alone! These are fearsome beasts, and their ability to change colour from black to red when angry makes them lovely to look at!

Hell Hound


Tooth Fairy

Seen in the movie "Hellboy II : The Golden Army", the Tooth Fairies are from the Black Forest region of Germany. They feed largely on calcium, including that in bones and especially teeth. They swarm in large numbers and a swarm can consume a whole person in seconds. It was illegal to own Tooth Fairies, though they could be obtained in the Troll Market. Prince Nuada released a swarm of the Fairies into an auction house, resulting in the death of 70 people. Nasty little critters!


Tooth Fairy



Seen in the Star Trek film of 2009, the Hengrauggi lives on the icy planetoid Delta Vega. It is a very large and fearsome creature which often lies in wait under the surface, erupting up from under the ground to ambush prey as it walks past. It will also pursue prey on the surface, and be quite determined about catching it! We love this monster because it just looks so alien, with weird leg arrangements and a head and mouth that is reputedly based on a prolapsed rectum!





Seen in the Star Trek film of 2009, the Drakoulias lives on the icy planetoid Delta Vega. They are powerful predators, about the size of a polar bear. They emit a distinctive wail when attacking, which can give their prey some warning - but it does little good, as one of these beasties can easily chase down a running man.


Klingon Mastiff

Seen in Star Trek VI, the Klingon Mastiff was a pet of the camp commandant on the feared gulag of Rura Pente. The creature is small, about the size of an ordinary Earth dog, but the huge jaws are filled with massive teeth that look like they could bite a man's head off in one go! Who's a good doggie! Yes you are!

Klingon Mastiff


Super Shark

What's up to 400 feet long, bullet proof, can swim in the sea, walk on water, and fly? Super Shark! From the film of the same name, this shark is so cool that he is essentially the Shaft of Sharks. He even has his very own theme song! "He's bad as can be, on the land and on the sea... Super Shark! He can jump, he can fly, he can almost touch the sky! Super Shark!"


Super Shark


Pocket Pachyderm

Seen in "Journey 2 : Mysterious Island", the pocket pachyderm is basically just an ordinary elephant... only smaller. The mini-me of elephants, if you will. They're just so cute, how could you not love them? I want one, and I want it now!


Pocket Pachyderm



We like this one! Seen in the movie "Outlander", the Moorwen is an alien beast brought to Earth in 709AD after stowing aboard a spacecraft. The ship crashlanded here, leaving only the soldier Kainan and the Moorwen alive. When the Moorwen sets about eating the local population, Kainan must struggle against it.

The Moorwen is a terrifying beast posessing the strength of an elephant and the speed of a cheeta. It's hide is so tough that an iron sword simply bounces off, and even being on fire for a prolonged period does little more than annoy it. Perhaps most interesting though, is the creature's bioluminescense. It can light up its skin at will, an ability it uses to lure or distract prey. Watch out of the soft glow in the dark - there's a terrifying monster behind it...

Despite all of the above, though, there is a sympathetic side to the Moorwen. She is the last of her kind, her entire species wiped out by Kainan's people simply so they could steal their land. Little wonder that she sought revenge!





Seen in the movie "John Carter", Woola is a particularly adorable example of a Calot, from the planet Barsoom - better known to you and me as Mars. Calots are cute little creatures with ten legs, allowing them to run at an astonishing 250 miles per hour! They have three rows of shark-like teeth in their big wide jaws, but the Calots are quite a friendly bunch. If shown kindness they will offer intense loyalty and devotion, much as a dog might to a beloved Mistress.

Woola himself is the faithful companion of John Carter, and his immense speed and loyalty enabled him to rescue Carter from many a dangerous scrape during his adventures on Barsoom.




Seen in the TV miniseries "Tin man", the Mobats are servants of the Wicked Witch Queen, Azkadellia. They live as a set of tattoos on Azkadellia's chest; when needed, she can cause them to transform into flying bat-monkeys which will obey her every command. The mobats act as Azkadellia's spies and scouts, or can use their considerable strength to attack her enemies.




Seen in the movie "10,000 BC", the Sabretooth was a powerful species of big cat. Some 15 feet from nose to tail the species was strong and extremely lethal.



Vampire Monsters

You know how when you turn into a Vampire you go a bit pale, and develop a sudden taste for victorian clothing and lounging around being all decadant and stuff? But underneath you're all kind of emo and sad about your lost humanity and the fact that you can't get a tan any more? And maybe, if you're a more modern Vampire, you dress in fetish ware and develop a dislike of werewolves?

Well not if you're in the movie "Priest", you don't. These Vampires turn into slimy gray monsters who live to bite. There's not a shred of human left to them physically, and mentally they're more like attack dogs than anything. If you think it would be fun to be a Vampire, take a look at these guys and think again!

Priest Vampire



Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water, there was another shark waiting for you. And just when you thought it was at least safe to stay on the beach, here's a shark that can come right out of the water after you!

"Sharktopus" brings us that most ingenious of military experiments - the creature genetically engineered to be half shark, half octopus! Not only is he the terror of the sea, but he can reach out and grab you on the shoreline - and even walk right out of the water and rampage around on land. He's also hyper-aggressive, with an appetite for as many tasty human treats as he can get his teeth on!




Seen in the movie "The Golden Voyage of Sinbad", this little beastie acted as a spy and messenger for the evil wizard, Koura.




First appearing in Lewis Carroll's novel Through the Looking-Glass, the Bandersnatch is a fast, ferocious creature. They are noted for being especially frumious (fuming and furious), and those who encounter them are well advised to run away at once and hope that the Bandersnatch doesn't choose to run after you!




Seen in Transformers : Revenge of the Fallen, Ravage is one of the deadly Decepticon robots. He is armed with heavy machine guns mounted on his back, a mace-like tail and razor edged claws. Fast and aggressive, Ravage is not something you want after you!




Seen in "Star Wars Episode II : Attack of the Clones", The Reek was a large three-horned quadroped. The Geonosians used Reeks in their arena for gladiator-style combat and executions. Although aggressive, the Reek could be tamed and ridden by a human.




Seen in "Star Wars Episode II : Attack of the Clones", The Nexu was a felinoid creature with a wide mouth filled with sharp teeth. Like the Reek, the Geonosans used Nexu in their gladiatorial arena for combat games and executions. Nexus were 4.5 meters long and had claws capable of slicing a person in half.




A large, vaguely crustacean creatre seen in "Star Wars Episode II : Attack of the Clones", the Acklay was considered to be a very dangerous animal. They have sharp claws and are more than ten feet tall. They were extremely aggressive, and considered to be very dangerous.
