Mobat's Movies

Mega Shark Versus Giant Octopus

Whoa. This is one of those films that is so bad, it's actually quite good. I can sum it up in one sentence : in this movie, a 500 foot long shark jumps thousands of feet up into the air and bites a 747 in half. Yes, honestly. Do not expect a remotely reasonable plot, do not expect believable acting, do not expect good dialogue. Do expect to be entertained.


The Giant Claw

A film notable only for how hideously bad it is. This could have been just another 50s monster flick; the famed Ray Harryhausen was being sought to do the monster. When that fell through he makers decided to save money by throwing together a rubber monster - how hard can it be? The result was one of the most unconvincing creatures ever put on screen. Legend has it the stars had no idea until the movie hit the theatres, and  were left horribly embarrassed.



A CGI fiesta of worldwide destruction, punctuated with several 'down with religion' visual comments by director Roland Emmerich. Will the human race survive, despite several altruistic and despicable actions?


Whip It

A chick-flick directed by Drew Barrymore, about a quirky Texas beauty-pagent contestant, who finds her way into the rock'em sock'em world of women's roller derby. The derby monikers for the teams and players are funny, and Ellen Page [Juno] excels with the sarcastic tone of the dialogue.



A science fiction re-telling of the classic 'Beowulf' story, with a Viking twist; a soldier from an alien civilization crash lands on Earth. The bad news is that his ship contained one of the most deadly alien monsters known, and now it's on the hunt for new prey... a great little underrated movie, Outlander has possibly the best monster creation of recent cinematic history.



Winner of the 'Project Greenlight' film competition, this gore-fest goes to places you could never ever imagine... and then some. Character descriptions are priceless, as well as how obvious plot expectations are shattered with each passing moment.


Drag Me To Hell

This horror suspense gem teaches us to never turn down a bank loan to a one-eyed, gap-toothed gypsy. Despite attempts to reconcile her grievous mistake, the heroine suffers slime, staples, fashion malfunctions, and a few automobile issues.



Amazing adaptation of one of the most admired comic books of all time. The movie takes a look at what the world might be like if superheroes really existed - and comes to some quite surprising conclusions. A superhero movie that subverts every single cliche of the genre, Watchmen is an absolute must see movie.



Rule #1: place your tongue firmly in your cheek. Rule #2: Apparently, there doesn't have to be a reason to wander the zombiefied countryside, offing said zombies. Rule #3: Name all your characters after places. Even with all the ensuing rules, it's a terrific zombie-genre film, with plenty of gross-out moments and hilarity.


Plan Nine From Outer Space

What can be said about this movie? Quite possibly the single worst film ever made, by the single worst director who ever lived. Plan Nine is a movie so awful that it goes right through awful and clear out the other side into comedy genius. Almost every line in it is bad, from the opening narration "Future events such as these will affect you, in the future" to the alien's angry "You see? You see! Your stupid minds! Stupid! Stupid!" The plot to conquer the Earth involves aliens bringing two dead people back to life.



In the near future everybody lives life through their surrogate - a robot body which they connect to through a virtual reality system. Your surrogate is a perfect version of you - forever young, forever beautiful, and if you walk in front of a bus who cares, you just get another. But somebody is destroying surrogates... with a weapon that kills the operator, too. Bruce Willis must track down the killer and, save the whole surrogate system... if he can convince himself that it's worth saving. A fascinating premise, not quite fully explored or developed.



With Earth's resources depleted Humanity is desperate to colonise Tanis, a newly discovered world. A vast spacecraft sets off with 60,000 people in suspended animation. Years into the journey a relief flight crew awakens to take their duty shift... but they find that the ship has become a living nightmare. An over the top movie with a few good ideas along the way.



A group of strangers wake to find themselves in a maze of interlinked cube-shaped rooms. As they explore they find that some of the rooms have viciously deadly booby traps. With no food, no water, and apparently no way out of the surreal labyrinth, they are soon at one another's throats. High concept cult movie which makes the most of a shoestring budget.


Paranormal Activity

Shot entirely with a video camera, this horror thriller builds the tension throughout the film with plenty of 'things that go bump in the night' moments. A small budget plus huge success in it's release, is sure to bring about a sequel. Looking for a good, thought-provoking scare? This is a safe bet for some heart-pounding fun.


Disaster in Time

Aka 'Timescape': Imagine having the ability to travel through time... what would you want to see? Now, imagine a travel company that books trips back in time. Wouldn't it be so grand? An interesting take on time/space paradox.